FAQs about community Christmas

Community Christmas is modelled on Re-engage’s successful call companions service. It’s a short-term telephone befriending service aimed at people aged 75 and older who are experiencing loneliness particularly over the festive season. December can be a particularly difficult time if you are on your own and a few friendly phone calls over the month can make all the difference. We’re recruiting volunteers to make weekly calls. This is designed as a limited service, but any older person who takes part will be invited to join our year-round telephone befriending – call companions - when community Christmas comes to an end.

Absolutely. If you’re happy to be matched with more than one older person throughout the festive period, then please do apply

We imagine the average number of calls will be around five or six – one a week - but it could be more or less than that. When and how often you make your calls will be something that you and the older person you are matched with will both agree on during your first call.

Yes, if you’d both like to continue having regular chats after the end of December when community Christmas ends, please let us know by emailing us at knowledge@reengage.org.uk or by calling 020 7240 0630 and we’ll simply move you across to our call companion service.

Yes, if you’re happy to have a regular chat throughout the festive period with an older person our training will provide you with all the information and support that you’ll need to confidently make your calls.

No, your calls can be about anything that you’re both happy to talk about. For example, we often find that people tend to talk about their families, working life, previous hobbies and interests.

Of course, we’d love it if you both want to continue your calls when community Christmas comes to an end, but we understand that might not be the case. If just one of you wants to carry on with calls after December, we’ll find another person for you to have regular chats with on a more permanent basis as part of our year-round telephone befriending service, call companions.

Contact us

We have teams across the UK.


7 Bell Yard


0800 716543

Office phone:

020 7240 0630