The unseen price of a scam: the impact of scams and fraud on isolated older people

Our recent report highlights how scams and fraud significantly impact people aged 75 and over who are experiencing loneliness.

The study, the largest of its kind ever conducted with this age group, found:

  • Scams and fraud reduces wellbeing and increases isolation
  • That there are gaps in some security behaviours of older people that help to protect them from being scammed
  • The fear of scams and fraud means older people are less likely to engage with common technologies that could improve their lives, such as access to the internet, email and online banking

Get the report

If you’d like to listen to a panel of experts, share the findings from the report during our recent webinar on 15 November, you can register to access it below.

Our thanks to the Aviva Foundation for funding this important initiative.

Register to access our recent webinar recording

Helping to prevent scams and fraud

Talking about scams, although difficult, is a powerful way to raise awareness and reduce stigma. Try our free training. Spread the word. And take a stand against scams.

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0800 716543

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020 7240 0630